This crochet handbag is so cute that I would love to share the pattern with you. What you need:
yarn (different colours)
buttons (for this handbag I used a mushroom, a butterfly, a ladybug, three little hearts)
stitch marker (only at the beginning, then optional)
sc - single crochet hdc - half double crochet dc - double crochet
slst - slip stitch
ch - chain st - stitch
1. Crochet 21 ch (20 ch plus 1 turning ch) in pink yarn
21 ch
2. Crochet sc in the circle, 1 sc in each st, at the end and beginning of the chain (made from 21 ch) crochet 3 sc in one st to widen the bottom of handbag, do not slst but continue crocheting in rounds, just use the stitch marker to mark your first sc in each round
chart for the first round
upper row made from sc
3 sc in one st at the end of the upper row
continuation of crocheting (bottom row)
now crochet 2 more sc in the last st
first round is done
stitch marker to mark the first sc in the second round
3. Crochet 1 sc in each st, but in the edges of handbag, crochet 2 sc in two st (so crochet 2 sc in the first st, then in the half of the round crochet in two st 2 sc in each st, then in the last st crochet 2 sc), do not slst but continue crocheting in rounds
chart for the first and second round
2 sc in the first st
half of the round - 2 sc in two st (altogether 4 sc in 2 st)
2 sc in the last st of the round
the second round done
4. Crochet 1 sc in each st, continue crocheting until you have the length you want to have (I crocheted 24 rounds), then at one edge slst, do not cut the yarn
5. Now the handle. Crochet as many ch as you need for the length you want. Keep in mind that when the handbag is full it will also be heavier, so do not make the handle very long
6. Slst to the other edge of the handbag
7. For the part which is folded, directly from the slst (that helped to fasten the handle) crochet sc to the other part of the handle, altogether you should crochet 23 sc, but when this is not your number, do not worry, just have sc to fill the space between each part of the handle
start of crocheting sc
end of crocheting sc
8. To move up you should crochet 1 turning ch, and then sc (22 sc) till the end, then again 1 turning ch and so on, altogether crochet 9 rows, slst and cut the yarn, hide the tail
1 turning ch
where the stitch marker is you should crochet the first sc in this row (after 1 turning ch)
1 turning ch plus 1 sc in the second row
the end of the second row, where the stitch marker shows you should crochet one more sc
crocheting of the last sc in the second row
second row finished
all rows finished
9. Now make a slip knot with yellow yarn. Slst it to one of the edges of handbag where handle starts (ends), then crochet sc in each ch of the handle, and crochet around the part we made in the 8. step. Cut the yarn, hide the tail.
slst to one of the end of the handle
sc in each ch round the handle
do not forget this st
chart for crocheting the folded part of the handbag
in each edge (of the folded part up) crochet 2 sc in one st
the main part finished
10. Leaves (make two) and stem of the flower crochet with green yarn. Stem is made from 4 ch. The leaves are made from 8 ch (7 ch plus 1 turning ch), then crochet sc, hdc, dc, dc, dc, hdc, sc, sc, hdc, dc, dc, dc, hdc, sc around the chain. Slst and leave a tail for sewing.
stem made from 4 ch
chart for the leaf
8 ch for leaf
sc, hdc, dc, dc, dc, hdc, sc in the upper row
one leaf finished
I crocheted flower with this video tutorial. Thank you Brittany for sharing this lovely pattern :)
Pattern for crochet handbag (granny circle, butterfly applique)
Adamko, my son, has a friend - a little girl called Leuška, so I decided to crochet a handbag especially for her as she wants to have a handbag as big girls do :) I made a pattern to it, so you can crochet this handbag for your little girls, too. If you do not understand anything, or need help, please leave a comment. Thank you.
Happy crocheting :)
What you need:
yarn (different colours), hook (3,5 body of handbag, 4,5 handle, hem, butterfly)
cloth to sew ligning
scissors, needle
mr - magic ring sc - single crochet
dc - double crochet
slst - slip stitch
ch - chain st - stitch PATTERN Yellow yarn: Start with mr
1. Crochet ch 2, dc, ch 2, slst to the top of the dc, dc - this will make the first petal, continue crocheting *ch 2, dc, dc with slst to the top of the dc, dc*, repeat between ** to make altogether 5 petals, slst to the 2nd ch, that we made at the beginning of the round. Cut the yarn. Pull tight to close the mr.
ch 2
ch 2, dc
ch 2, dc, ch2
slst to the top of the dc
slst to the top of the dc
slst to the top of the dc
first petal
two petals with ch 2 in between
five petals
slst to the 2nd ch from the beginning
slst to the 2nd ch from the beginning
closing the magic ring
2. Red yarn: Slst to any of the 5 gaps between the petals. Work ch 2, dc, ch 2, slst to the top of the dc, dc - this will make the first petal (the first half of little red heart), continue crocheting in the same ch (loop) ch 1, dc, dc with slst to the top of the dc, dc- this will make the second petal (the second part of the heart). Continue crocheting the petals, two in each ch (loop) to make altogether 10 petals (5 hearts), slst to the 2nd ch, that we made at the beginning of the round. Cut the yarn.
slst with red yarn
first two petals (one heart)
four petals (two hearts)
ten petals (five hearts)
3. Violet yarn: Crochet one petal in each ch (loop), that we made in the round before. There should be ch 1 between each petal, altogether 10 petals in 10 ch (loops). Cut the yarn.
ten petals
4. Blue yarn: as the second round, altogether twenty petals (ten hearts) in ten ch (loops). Cut the yarn.
twenty petals
5. Grey yarn: as the third round, altogether twenty petals in twenty ch (loops). Cut the yarn.
twenty petals
6. Green yarn: Crochet one petal in each ch (loop) but this time the petals consists of three dc. Altogether you should have twenty petals. Cut the yarn but leave a long tail for sewing.
two petals
Now you have one side of your handbag done. Crochet the same way the other one, as you need two :)
Now it is time to sew these two circles together. Do not sew it all around as you need some opening for your handbag.
sewed body of handbag
The hem is easy. I crocheted it with yellow yarn (vanilla like) and slightly bigger hook. Slst at one end of your sewing, *ch 3, slst*, repeat that to the end of your sewing.
When you are at the end, do not cut the yarn. Continue crocheting chains to make the handle. Crochet as many chains as you need.
Slst to the start of your hem.
Turn around and crochet sc in each ch of the handle.
Slst to the end of your handle. Cut the yarn. Hide the tail.
Almost done :)
Butterfly applique (pink yarn) 1. Start with mr, crochet 5 sc in the mr, slst to the first sc, close the mr
2. Crochet ch 3 to make the first small loop (foundation for lower wing), slst to next st, ch 5 (foundation for upper wing), slst to the second st, ch 3, slst to next st, ch 5, slst to the first st
3. At first we crochet the lower wing. Slst to the loop made from ch 3 from the previous round, ch 2, dc, dc, ch 2, slst to the first ch of just made chains, dc, dc, dc, slst to the second loop made from ch 5 from the previous round.
lower wing
4. Upper wing - crochet dc 5 times, ch 2, slst to the second ch from the hook, dc 5 times, slst to the next loop.
upper wing
5. Upper wing - as in the fourth step.
two upper wings plus one lower wing
6. Lower wing - as in the third step. Slst to the second ch from the beginning. Cut the yarn but leave a tail for sewing.
Now it is time for the brown body of the butterfly. Cut two pieces of yarn.
Make a tie at one end of one piece. This will make antennae.
To make a head tie two pieces of yarn close to the antennae.
Place the head on top of the upper wings, Tie it around the wings to make the body. This may be a little bit difficult, but try to make it to look like this:
Sew the butterfly on the handbag.
nearly finished
Now the lining. Fold one piece of cloth. Place it under the handbag.
Cut the cloth around the handbag.
Sew together.
Fold the edges and place the lining in the handbag.
Choose colour and start sewing around.
sewed all around
Now the mission is completed! Congratulations to your new handbag :)